Sunday, May 08, 2005

March 3rd

I have heard from many of you that are concerned and would like to help solve this mystery. The only information being released by the press at this time is that there were six people staying at the Manor at the time the body was found along with a group of nomads that fled the manor "hitching" rides with passerby's. I have heard that these nomads along with some of the guests are fleeing Colorado one at a time but maybe you can get some information out of them if you see them.

With enough information from enough clues, possibly you can help me solve this crime. It is also important for the security of this case that the information you figure out or obtain is not revealed to others unless I authorize it or release the information myself. It is likely that you will need to hear from most of the guests and see most of the clues in order to piece the entire story together to figure out the murderer, victim, weapon, motive, and location within the Stanley Manor. Of course, the direction and amount of time that that it takes these travelers to get out of Colorado and reach you will all be determined upon the flow of traffic and those people that are willing to take them for a ride.

If you find a clue, let me know and then be sure that they hit the road again quickly. You may even want to create a separate log book for clues, but that is completely up to you.

One other thing about these nomads....they do not like to stay in one place long and thus should only be sent with your postman, not placed locally for a find.